Key analyzes and research recommendations Children in Action! Adults and children together towards a safe and carefree childhood

During 2017, the development of a new strategic framework for the systemic protection of children from violence began in Serbia. The process of drafting the new Strategy has comprehensively united experts, civil society organizations and decision makers, and an important novelty is that children were directly involved in the process of developing this relevant document.

Striving for children to be an active part of the process of the new strategic framework for the protection of children from violence, UNICEF in Serbia in partnership with the Friends of Children of Serbia, organized a series of activities within the project “Children in Action! Adults and children together towards a safe and secure childhood. “

One of them involved researching children’s attitudes and opinions about violence. You can view the research report here .

Authors: Božidar Dimić, Milica Ubović
Research team: Božidar Dimić, Milica Ubović, Dragana Purešević, Kristina Drini
Year: 2018.